
 COVID19 made masks a mandatory accessory.

Mask Marche made them a lot more fun! 

Dazzle and express your style with assorted neon colors!

KN95 95% Bacterial Filtration Efficient (BFE)

BFE  filtration efficiency of s using mean particle size (MPS) 3.0 microns

Mask Marche knows you and your family deserve that level of protection!

Made with 5 layers of Non-woven +Melt-blown fabric

3-D Shape lifts mask off the face making it more comfortable by keeping moisture away from the skin with no irritation.

Why Choose Us?

We care about your families health and security. That's why we keep our prices as low as we can and still stay in business. We stock only the highest quality, most effective masks.

We care about the people on the frontlines fighting this pandemic. That's why we donate 20 masks to "The Ground Floor" an outreach program serving homeless youth ages 12 thru 20.

Thank you for your purchase today it will help us to help so many others. The only way we can get through these troubled times is by each of us doing some good each day. Thank you for doing your part.

I love the colors. I can't help but feel happy when I choose the mask for the day. It's much easier to breathe in them too.

Lori B.

About Us

Ray "Ray-Ray" Straka

store owner

 Hi I'm Ray, the owner. Let me tell you a little about our team.

 First there is "Andy", well Andrea. She's a little gruff with folks and that scares some of them. The truth is she has a heart of gold. She's also one of the hardest workers I have ever met.

Next is "G Baby" Anna, our copy writer. She can turn a phrase in the most beautiful way. She is also very good at catching my spelling and punctuation mistakes.

Now there is me, "Ray-Ray" I'm just a guy who wants to make the world a better place. So I found a couple very talented people to help me make it happen.

Andy, G Baby and I thank you for you help on this quest. We hope to see you back soon. Stay Safe!